Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas makes me dizzy.

Yes it does. My brain gets stuck in the warped time/space continuum.  Christmases that I want to forget, Christmases that I wish I had, and how to avoid the current one.
There's so much build-up starting before Thanksgiving that my anxiety peaks until the dreaded day.  The sales of sales, the push to shop, to spend too much money.  It all leaves me dizzy.  
The best Christmas I ever had was in 1983.  A friends' family took me to Switzerland for a ski holiday.  Their daughter had just been busted for a DUI and it was too late for them to get a refund on the plane tickets.  Auspiscious, no?
That Christmas was enjoyable because they celebrate Christmas very quietly.  Everyone just has a nice dinner, gives a gift or two, maybe goes to church, and that's all. What a relief. Maybe we could cut back on the money aspect; just enjoy it as a warm time together. Our country couldn't do that collectively.  It's sad, really.

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