Sunday, November 19, 2006

All about the fire.

Yup, it's time for the woodstove. We already cleaned out the chimney a few weeks ago. Right now I'm stoking the puppy up to start burning a bunch of old useless books. I know, I feel weird about doing it. I fondly remember the book and movie Fahrenheit 451. But, old Harlequin romance paperbacks (don't worry - they weren't mine!) and 20 year-old Charlie Brown 'cyclopedias will not be missed by anyone. 
Lately the whole thing has taken on a ritualistic air for me. Burning old memories, perhaps making room for new ones. I change the pattern of the fire every day. Today's was a crosshatch arrangement. Yesterday's was a circular pile before I just started to put in as much paper as I could and still have it burn.

1 comment:

Winston said...

Uh, huh, first the useless old Charlie Brown books, then the dog-eared college textbooks, then those dusty old novels you're never gonna read again.
I see a pattern here.